
kami beritahukan bahwa file-file kami telah dihapus oleh media fire..kami akan melakukan repost 1 per 1 mulai 1 oktober 2012,jadi file-file sebelum tanggal tersebut sudah tidak bisa didownload...silahkan download mulai update tanggal 1 oktober 2012 ke atas.silahkan request software sebelumnya yang telah dihapus dikolom komentar,paling lambat 1 hari akan kami repost,terima kasih

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

steganos safe 2012 V.13 full

software ini berguna untuk menyimpan data-data kita dengan aman dan memprotect nya dengan pasword, software ini juga dilengkapi oleh virtual keyboard dan Picpass sehingga kita bisa menngunakan gambar atau symbol sebagai password. Selain kita bisa mengunlock data yang kita protect dengan USB Drive.

screen shot:

Features : 

Highly secure encryption
The algorithm used for encryption, AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), protects your sensitive data with 256-bit encoding. Thanks to multicore support, it can do this in real time and it’s uncrackable!
Vaults up to 1 Terabyte big
Encrypted virtual safes protect documents, photos and videos on PCs and laptops. Each data vault – any number of which can be set up – holds up to 1,000 GB = 1 terabyte! The size of safes can also be modified at a later stage by using the practical slide control.
Portable safe: the vault to take with you
The data vault you can take with you – on a USB stick, CD, DVD or BluRay disc. Practical: you don’t need any extra software to open a Steganos Portable Safe™ on another computer.
Invisible. The hidden safe.
Steganos Safe not only encrypts your data, but also inconspicuously hides it in a picture, piece of music or a video. So you can even file away highly sensitive data.
Steganos Shredder™
Personal data like your private documents, pictures or videos can get into the wrong hands if you send your computer off to a repair or sell it. You can prevent that from happening! Steganos Shredder™ permanently deletes the traces you leave behind on your PC – totally automatically if desired.
Quick and easy
If desired, you can open and close your safe with practical keyboard shortcuts. Shortcuts to opened safes are created on the desktop. Data can then be easily copied to the safe with a simple drag & drop. Or automatically launch the safe upon logging into your computer. Applications can also be automatically launched after you’ve opened the drive.

dengan software ini....file yang anda sepenuhnya akan terjamin..menarik bukan?


steganos safe 2012 V.13


note:panduan istalasi sudah saya sertakan didalamnya,jika crack terdeteksi sebagai virus,maka matikan dulu anti virus anda sebelum extract crack.

semoga bermanfaat.

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